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                sales@actvmarketing.com | 13505838287 | 0086-573-80788668 |

                about us

                introduction culture technology R&D


                OUR VALUES ARE:

                Customer: everything is based on the value of the customer

                Principle: system first, leadership second

                Standard: always maintain the peak state and take everything as the first target.

                Team: concentric, Qi Li breaking gold

                Gratitude: to be grateful with respect and to win respect with love.

                Responsibility: responsible for oneself, responsible for the enterprise and responsible for the society.

                OUR CORE IDEA IS:

                The idea of survival: only the right way can survive.

                Development idea: sacrifice the ego and complete the big ego

                The concept of competition: to surpass oneself, to be a soldier without fighting.

                Sales idea: everything is for love

                Service concept: customer centered and service with love.

                Brand concept: brand creates value, value creates wealth.

                Wealth idea: money is a worldly possessions. Growth is the first wealth of life.

                Working concept: to practice a simple method to the extreme is a unique skill.

                The idea of being a man is to be rich enough to gather people and to be generous enough to get people.

                Human concept: position first, ability second

                Organizational concept: to create a platform and to accomplish yourself

                The concept of achievement: ordinary people pursue goals, excellent people surpass goals, and remarkable people create miracles.