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                sales@actvmarketing.com | 13505838287 | 0086-573-80788668 |

                about us

                introduction culture technology R&D


                Zhejiang Medplus Technology Co., Ltd. is a research and development, production and sales,in the disposable medical, hygiene materials manufacturer.

                Committed to innovation and enterprising spirit of ceaseless, formed the basis of the Founding Medplus company;Inclusive, eclectic virtual Wyner rivers of style, form the cultural core Medplus companies.People-oriented, but the move is a positive innovation, integrity and dedication, the formation of shared values, the goal of the team,Have self-forming characteristics, robust upward, loyal trust, unity and cooperation of the corporate culture.

                International companies to introduce advanced Nordson melters and PE film composite, PE cast film production equipment, non-woven fabric after finishing equipment, high-speed automatic slitting equipment.Professional and efficient management team, lean production environment, excellent equipment and management in order to achieve an annual output of 5000 tons PE cast film, PE film composite material 2,500 tons.The company in a professional team, rigorous and dynamic management, and strive to build a proprietary, highly self-characteristics of healthcare fabric anufacturer.Implementing 

                ISO14001: 2004 Environmental Management System Requirements with guidance for use, to conserve resources, effective use and protection of the ecological environment, commitment to the creation of corporate social responsibility, create social value.

                medplus stable products, professional technology, sophisticated equipment, high-quality service to customers bring value benefits.We always adhere to corporate culture to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises so that enterprises establish a good social image in the development.

                "Line will be far from near, the endless pursuit."